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       from a dream to reality...       


My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. It was an aggressive tumor which meant we needed to make quick decisions and start treatments right away. Intense chemo for 20 weeks, radiation for 6 weeks, mastectomy, and reconstructive surgeries. It then metastasized to bone in 2015, more radiation and monthly chemo shots that she is still taking to this day. She is a true Survivor! 


We spent many days in the chemo infusion room, the oncologist waiting room, and in the hospitals watching similar stories unfold. 


We always tried to do this journey with joy as it is our journey that can't be changed. There are times it is overwhelming for the patient, the caregivers, and even the doctors. Our journey isn't over and I believe we are traveling it joyfully and with laughter that spreads to the many lives we interact with.


Oils were not apart of our lives during her chemotherapy but I wish we had known what we do now. These 5 products would have made a huge difference not just for Mom but for us as caregivers as it really has been our journey with Mom traveling the hardest terrain of us all. 


I have helped many people use doTERRA Essential Oils to ease the side effects of chemo and radiation, it was always a cumbersome process and just too much for them to add to their new routine.  This kit was designed to simplify the process, empower the receiver, and encourage a more natural approach to wellness.  

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