The dictionary definition of joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Another definition is that joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. Either way that you explain it joy is an emotion.
When researching aromatherapy, many emotional responses to Essential oils are noted and discussed. I would file them neatly in my mind for those times when I might help someone else dealing with emotional issues, but mostly I would quickly move on. I was focused solely on the physical benefits of using essential oils. When building my Essential Oil collection I steered clear of the emotional oils because, well simply put, I didn't have any emotional issues. (insert crying laugh-y face emoji here)
There are things in our lives that steal our joy. We can all agree that there are big things like death, illness, loss, and trauma that crash into our lives and suck it away. There are also relatively small things that begin to lessen it, and the more we focus on those things, the bigger that issue becomes, and the faster we spiral out of control.
I am not here to tell you that Essential Oils will magically restore your joy. As much as I wish it were that simple, it just won’t be the case. But I will tell you that your body and emotions respond to stimulation and refocus. Those things can help you to maintain a state of mind that is conducive to joy. Essential Oils help our body and mind to process emotions in a healthy way allowing us to refocus and manage our reactions to situations in our lives.
Let me give you an example from my own experience. I (you know the one with no emotional issues) was diligently trying to help someone going through a difficult time. I wanted to give them samples of a few Essential Oils and protocols they could use to help ease the high range of emotions they were processing. Because of my blatant disregard for the emotional uses of Essential Oils, I had to order in the items for sampling. The products came in and I portioned out samples, labeled them and designed cards for each to guide them through how to use each one. I set the delivery date and time. When the day came I woke up grouchier than I have ever been. I mean, just plain old mean for no reason. It was as if as blood pumped through my body it was full of tacks and just poked at my every last nerve. It was crazy! As I stormed about the house acting completely a-fool, I thought “How am I supposed to deliver these oils today? What awful thing might I say?” I was loading up everything to head into town a thought struck me. “I wonder if one of those oils might help me straighten up?” So I applied one. I do have to admit it is not one of my favorite scents. It’s not like it was Spearmint, which I LOVE and can make me happy smelling it, or wearing it, or tasting it. It was kind of a scent which I just tolerated to see if it could help.
Now, I am not joking, within 10 minutes I was a completely different person! I was blown away. First of all, I am a very determined person and I was grouchy. There was no way that I actually thought it was going to help. Second of all, in such a short amount of time? No way! Really and truly it happened just like that. Needless to say, I purchased ALL the emotional Essential Oils and have been much better able to help serve others knowing that they can help. Oh and I have found that even I with no emotional issues have benefited greatly from using them when I am stressed, or anxious, or angry, or….. any thing that begins to steal my joy.
Essential Oils can quickly help change our state of mind and stop those joy suckers from taking such an essential part of our happiness. They can help us process those negative, stressful, intense emotions with greater ease and help us focus our intentions on retaining joy. Now I wouldn’t say that I am the most bubbly person you will ever encounter, but I believe that if you encounter me in most circumstances you will see joy. Let me help you find the right blends of Essential Oils that will encourage joy in your life.