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Just what goes in the Cancer Wellness Kit

I am sure most of you have an understanding of why I have chosen doTERRA as the Essential Oil company that I use. If not you can read more about that in my other Blog posts.

The More Than Wishes Kit is something that has been a passion project for me. Growing up we heard the word cancer in our family and friends more than most. Both of my Mom’s parents were diagnosed with cancer, my uncle, great grandparents, Barb, Kirk, Dan. This was all in the 90’s and the list goes on from there. None of them were survivors, it was quick for each of them and hard to process. There were others of course in the 2000’s but when my mom was diagnosed in 2012 we got first hand experience. She is the first survivor in our long list of family members.

I did not know about Essential Oils when mom was going through chemo and radiation. After watching my grandparents go through treatment we were expecting the worst. Mom handled it all like a champ. They have made great advancements to help with the side effects of the treatments. Those come with their own side effects of course to which you search for options on how to combat those.

Once I was introduced to doTERRA I began searching for ways to help cancer patients combat the side effects. It was such a process, diffuse this oil when you are nauseous, this one when you are unable to sleep, this one when you want to be awake, this one for immunity, this one to lift your mood. They are already bombarded with so much new to their lifestyle. It was just too much. Though I was well meaning I knew that they weren’t able to maintain the use of the products. So my focus became how to get products into their hands in a way that they can easily use them, take them with them, and understand them.

As I researched what oils should be included in the kit, (without having too many products fo them to deal with) doTERRA’s Forgive oil was on the top of my list. Forgive oil had tested very well in oncology centers. In several studies it was diffused and tracked along with several other doTERRA oils and it had created a much more positive environment for not just the patient but also their caregivers, Doctors and Nurses. This was an oil that had to be in the kit. As much as we all like to believe we handle things just fine (I am the most guilty of this statement) this is a time that we just need support. I can’t think of any circumstance that when you hear you have cancer that there is a positive response. doTERRA has Forgive Touch which is a pre-diluted and ready to use roller bottle. Perfect for this kit. Want to learn more about one of the studies? Read it here

Lavender is known for its soothing and relaxing properties. You can get lavender teas, lotions, candles, all sorts of main stream items. doTERRA’s lavender is 100% pure, super concentrated and has great results. This was a must in the kit to help with skin irritations, sleep issues, stress, issues. Again it comes in a pre-diluted roller bottle ready to go.

Peppermint Beadlets are 1/4 of a drop of essential oil in a tiny bead. We know peppermint is great for soothing digestive discomfort, it can also ease headaches, and bring a feeling of refreshment and energy. Super easy to use, swallow when its digestive, let it melt in your mouth for headache relief, or pop it in your hand and use it topically.

On Guard Hand Sanitizing Mist is an essential to the kit as it helps to keep germs away. It is a great natural hand sanitizer that doesn’t dry out your hands which is a huge issue with treatment as it dries out your system so badly.

Which leads us to the last product, the lip balm. doTERRA’s lip balm is wonderful and it helps to soothe those dry chapped lips. It is also great in a pinch if you need lotion on a dry spot.

I designed a cute bag that is easy to keep all together and grab it when you have to go out. The cards are my favorite part, they tell them how to use the oil, when to use it and where to put it. They also assure them that what they are feeling is normal but the back of the cards has inspirational and encouraging messages to remind them that you are thinking of them and they are not alone, even in those tough moments.

I am no expert, so I always recommend talking to your oncologist and asking questions. Do some research, but if you are like me it is great to have a starting point. I am always willing to help in anyway that I can.

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