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More Than Wishes Is a Work of Heart

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

Over the last few years I have done a lot of research on how to help people who are going through cancer treatments. The cancer journey is very difficult. It’s hard to hear those words, have those conversations, and decide just what to do next. It’s impossible to know how things will change, how long this journey will truly be, and what all it will affect.

There are so many emotions that people go through, and it is a rollercoaster ride, changing minute by minute. As if our emotions weren’t enough, the treatments can change your entire body chemistry, the way you respond to people, and your brain. All of this sounds pretty overwhelming, and I am telling you second hand, just what I can see.

I haven’t personally gone through this, although I have sat very recently in that exam room hearing the early words, "we found something, we need to do a biopsy, we need to act quickly". Which leads to lots of conversations. With God, with yourself, your family, doctors and nurses. Then going through the biopsy, (with lots of support in the waiting room and my part was the easiest) Waiting for the call. And doing all of this with joy maintaining that “I am fine, they are just being cautious and there is nothing to worry about. We will take this journey one day at a time and do it joyfully.” Because that is what you have to do, even when it is hard. You see, we have been traveling this journey one day at a time since October 2012 with my mom. She has done great, she is a true survivor. She is still receiving treatments, and there are still tough days for her. She is one of the strongest people I know and it is still hard.

There is a lot of information out there on whether essential oils help people during cancer treatments. I am excited to see that doors are opening up, studies are starting to show that essential oils are beneficial to ease the side effects of cancer treatment and to help strengthen the immune system. They have shown that essential oils can improve mood, help reduce stress and do so rather quickly. More and more research will be coming out in the near future and that is great news for those who will be traveling this journey in the future. If we can find ways to help ease the side effects of treatment, the journey won’t be as hard.

You can find articles at,, National Cancer Institute, Arizona Oncology,,, along with Mayo Clinic which are all trusted sources for information. I have read many others but tend to focus my attention on places that have research to back their articles. Many of them state that although the studies show that essential oils are beneficial there needs to be more studies and research done, and I agree. We always need to know more and I will continue seeking. I read just as many nay-saying articles as I do positive ones. I want to help people, which means I need to be informed. Through all my reading and what I have seen, I believe they do help and I believe in doTERRA's quality.

For those traveling this journey, find a support group of friends and family or others that have experienced this journey, research options, and work with your Oncologist. Ask them about using essential oils to ease your side effects and ask questions. I am always willing to try to help.

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