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Simple DIYs that even you can do!

Have you ever thought, "I wonder if I can make this myself?" And then you start looking for DIY recipes. You find them alright, but there is no way you are going to take the time to do that! Let alone have the ingredients....and I have to look up what the ingredients are because they don't use simple terms.

Well, friend, you are in luck! That is not what I do here! I love to host Make and Take classes that not only are fun, but you walk away with a better understanding of the Essential Oils we used and a new way to implement them into your everyday life. This is where I will be posting those simple, fun, functional recipes that you will easily be able to do from home.

Most Used Ingredients

Of course each recipe has its own ingredients list, but there are some ingredients I use most of the time. Many of the items are things you already have in your home. Here is a list of our most used items:

Fractionated Coconut Oil (or your favorite carrier oil)

Coconut Oil

Witch Hazel

Distilled Water

Aloe Vera Gel

Castile Soap





More Fun To Come!

I am so excited to share these fun DIYs with you in a new fun way!

Checkout my new website

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