doTERRA how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…but seriously there are so many reasons that I use doTERRA. When I was first introduced to doTERRA I researched specifically for reasons NOT to use their products. I was on the hunt for any reason to say no. I read blogs, reviews, comments all over the place and found little negative opinions. There was no doubt that the oils were amazing when I tried just one drop, but surely there had to be something negative. I couldn’t find it, nothing.
Now, I think you can see that I am a little skeptical when someone says “Try this amazing product!” So much so that I STILL research to find anything negative about the products I love so much. Just to be fair to the reader, here are the negative things I have found (I of course paraphrased the statements).
doTERRA has made up their own testing. CPTG is not a thing.
Their prices are so expensive compared to other companies.
They are an MLM.
Anybody can be a Wellness Advocate.
That last statement is absolutely true. Anyone can be a doTERRA Wellness Advocate. That is one of the great things about doTERRA. They also have great training, education, and accountability. They monitor all of our posts, pages, websites, and more to be sure that the things we are saying are not only compliant but safe for consumers. If you are interested in becoming a doTERRA member find a Wellness Advocate that teaches you, and supports you in your Essential Oil journey. Become a member of a team, there are those who have amazing Facebook groups, pages, DIYs, and education.
I have already tackled the MLM portion and the price difference in my previous blog, and I fully plan to tackle the CPTG testing here. But in order to do that I have to switch gears back to the reasons I use doTERRA products.
Most essential oils are tested using GCMS testing, which is a series of standard quality tests. They do what is required to prove the quality of their product. doTERRA has gone beyond what is required and uses CPTG testing which not only runs the GCMS tests that everyone else use but also tests for purity in deeper levels of the composition of the oil. This allows them to have the same quality and chemical make up in every bottle of Lavender for example. This result has made it an essential oil company that can be tested in medical facilities to get trackable results bottle after bottle. I don’t know about you but I like knowing that they are doing more than is required to make sure that the products I am using on my family are safe.
Because of the testable quality of doTERRA essential oils they are working toward integrative medicine. What is integrative medicine you ask? It is a combination of traditional medicine and holistic care all in one location. The possibility of being able to go to the doctor and have the first line of care be natural medicine versus prescription drugs sounds AMAZING! Along with this testing they are working on a real dosing schedule so that you know you are putting the right amount into your system. That is a pretty exciting horizon to look out upon.
Now for the reasons that I LOVE doTERRA. These are acts of heart and not about their products, testing, prices, or avenue of sale. doTERRA does several things that allow them to stand in a category all of their own, really making positive changes in our world.
First, doTERRA works directly with the farmers, no middle man, paying a fair price for their product. They could easily own their own farms and have them in places that are most economical for their bottom line. They don’t do that. They want the highest quality plants which produce the highest quality oil. That can only be done in the right environment. They teach farmers about quality growing practices, and then give back to their community. They have built schools, wells, hospitals, all to help change the world for the famers and their communities.
Second, they have the Healing Hands Foundation which does SO many things! They partner with their Wellness Advocates to help fund programs that they are passionate about. I will try to highlight just a few of their projects.
Operation Under Ground Railroad is a program that they work very closely with to help stop human trafficking. This is a huge problem in our world and doTERRA has partnered with several amazing organizations to make a real difference.
Days for Girls is an organization that helps promote feminine hygiene throughout the world. This may seem like a small thing but it isn’t. In many areas of the world women are still held back due to lack of sanitary supplies that allow them to go on about their daily tasks. They miss out on school, work, and much more when they are homebound. This organization helps them to have the supplies they need and educates them about feminine hygiene.
They have helped purchase wheelchairs, fund cancer support, and many other projects that Wellness Advocates have put together. They allow us as Wellness Advocates to seek those things we are passionate about and help us to make positive changes in the world. They give all of their customers the opportunity to partner with them in these programs as well. Simple little things we can each do come together and make a huge impact on our world.
Want a simple way to help these programs? doTERRA offers 2 products that when purchased 100% of what you spend goes toward the Healing Hands Foundation. dōTERRA Hope® Touch Essential Oil Blend and the dōTERRA Spa Rose Hand Lotion, both items are $20 and both are a donation of $20. You can also donate $1 with each order you place through doTERRA. This doesn’t seem like much but it adds up when each one of us says yes.
I have attached links for you to read more about each item topic. The decision to join doTERRA is a personal one. These are my personal thoughts about doTERRA that I am sharing with you. The more you know the more I believe you will fall in love with, not just the products, but their mission. I would love to help you fall in love with the doTERRA lifestyle send me a message if you want to get started.